The third day in Mallorca 马略卡岛之旅的第三天
An easy day for shopping 轻松购物的一天
20.03.2009 18 °C
Yesterday we took a tough hiking and got very tired, so today we did not want to be tired again, just had a rest and went to Palma, the capital of Mallorca, for shopping.
We came to the biggest shopping center of Palma. From the top level of the building, you can see the beautiful scenery.
In such a nice day, of course people like sitting outside and drinking some coffee.
Today it was windy, but still quite warm.
After shopping, we let our baby play in the children's playing ground, she liked it so much.
Our baby always looks so cute, hehe!
Posted by R and K 15:37 Archived in Spain Tagged tourist_sites